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VDS Hosting
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Only a few minutes to build an Virtual Dedicated Pro Online Store very easy, without any web programing skill, support real time update products.

VDS Pro Online Store
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Virtual Dedicated Pro Online Store
Virtual Dedicated Pro Online Store VDSPro-B2BShop
Monthly charge (HK) $776 Sale $388
Hardware Firewall Waived
Intrusion Detection System Waived
fileStorage space (GB) 10
Setup fee Waived
Professional B2B system
Professional online wholesale and distribution system
Show different products to specific customers
Show different price to specific customers
Professional template
Templates More than 400 templates, support real time update.
Real time product update
Professional B2B product system
Professional membership system Support member login
Professional B2B membership system
Professional member news system
Professional online shopping cart system
Professional B2B online shopping cart system
Professional online payment system
Support Visa, Master, AE, Discover...
Professional order system
Professional discount system
Professional B2B price control system
Professional inventory system
Professional product catalog system
Professional B2B product category system
Professional shipping charge system
Professional online product search
Professional online enquiry form
Professional Product / Product category system
Content management system
Website search
Multi-state localization of website
Support RSS, RSS formats are specified in XML (a generic specification for data formats). RSS delivers its information as an XML file called an "RSS feed", "webfeed", "RSS stream", or "RSS channel".
Through the use of RSS, the content of the website can easily supply produce transmission and dissemination of the link, title and summary information of you website.
Setup fee Waived
Order / Image Unlimited
Website control panel
Email control panel
Domain name registration Support
Support language
Language support English / Traditional chinese / Simplified chinese (Please call for inquiries the other languages)
Support currency
Support multi currency
Easy Import / Export Excel file format
24 hrs tech. support Waived
diskFTP Server
Credit card payment gateway paypal2co
Support programs Support write various programs,such as CGI,Perl,C,C++,shell script,batch...
Anti virus and spam email filter
DNS server
Email rule
Email address
phoneMobile mail (Wapmail)
Multi language webmail
RAID Mirror data protection
Web statistics  
Real time web statistics report
Website script program  
Server Side Includes
Dedicated MySQL database server
light99.9%  online
Daily backup
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
Cluster Server
24 hrs server monitor
Spare server

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DotCom.HK Web Hosting 網頁寄存 Hosting 網上商店 eshop online shop 電郵寄存 email hosting 網站寄存 域名註冊 domain name domain registration VDS Hosting VPS Hosting webhost web host onlineshop ishop shopping cart ecommerce e-commerce Web Hosting Eshop Online Shop Shopping Cart VDS Shop VPS Shop VDS Shopping Cart VPS Shopping Cart Website Easy VDS Server VPS Server Virtual Dedicated Server Virtual Private Server VDS Forum VPS Forum VDS Blog VPS Blog VDS Gallery VPS Gallery - Ultimate Web Development Provider.